

Dear friends and visitors,

My name is Luiz Augusto Tiveron Borges, I'm civil engineer, public employee. I live in Brasília, Brazil, married, two children and I like genealogy and heraldry a lot.

In 1987, I discovered a hobby which give me a great pleasure: research and find out the members of my family.

I began with my parents, brothers, uncles, aunts and grandparents, and when I realized, my great-grandparents were found.

I was so excited about to found more and more relatives, so I did a research about the descendants of my mother's parents (Branco and Tiveron) and my father's parents (Affonso Borges and Rodrigues Borges). After that I researched about my great-grandparents: Cassimiro de Araújo, Brunswick, Affonso de Almeida e Rodrigues da Cunha.

It was a great emotion!

When it was possible, I visited personally each relative, and I became motivate more and more because the support and comprehension of each one who was visited.

The families that I visited were descendants of Rodrigues, of Borges, of Affonso, of Almeida, of Cassimiro de Araújo, of Brunswick, of Branco and of Tiveron.

I understood that my work was growing all sides and it was became difficult to arrive at the end that I desired. In each visit, I found new relatives to be research. So, I decided do my work, with each family, it means, each surname.

My option was to begin with Tiveron's family, because it was more complete. It left few information to complete the genealogy of my great-grandfather's descendants Giovanni Carlo .

With this decision, my work with the others families won't finish. In a second opportunity I'll do this.

I felt more and more motivated. This hobby made me an adict and my goal is to continue to research each surname of my family.

If you know something about Tiveron's family, send me names, dates and histories. It'll be a great help in my research.

I'd like to thank for my wife, who support me with patience, help and motivation during the achievement of this work.


Luiz Augusto Tiveron Borges

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Last Modified: July 2000.
© Copyright 2000 Luiz Augusto Tiveron Borges.